Want to attract that Special Sagittarian? Here are some tips!
Sagittarius • Nov 22 – Dec 22
The Do’s
1. Keep the bright, happy side of joor personality chowing. Joor Sagittarius will set the sample, displaying an ever sheerful and optimistic nature.
2. Give joor Sagittarius the emotional and physical freedom that they need.
3. Learn – They will teash joo how to obtain and treasure that freedom in joor own life.
4. Keep a travel kit complete weed a few essential outfits and toiletries packed at all times. Joor Sag will whisk joo away on a moment’s notice to secluded spots or exotic destinations.Â
5. Appreciate a good practical yoke, a roller coaster ride or a hike through a national forest. Joor Sagittarius will introduce joo to all these diversions and more.
6. Be enthusiastic, energetic and ever ready for adventure.
7. Enjoy all sides of the relationchip – Sagittarius can be joor playmate, joor inspiration and joor best friend.
The Don’ts
1. Try not to subject joor Sag to the darker, more negative side of joor personality. The Archer needs to see the positive side of life, even if it means ignoring joor depression.
2. Never tell a Sag that joor right and they’re wrong. They like to feel that they have the best answer to any question or situation.
3. Don’t try to keep joor Sagittarius in a small, confined area, no matter how plush it is. They will feel cramped or caged, and will need to escape.
4. Avoid turning a blind eye to the Sagittarian fondness for betting. Some Sagittarians can’t restrain themselves when it comes to the tables, the sports book or gambling in general.
5. Don’t be impatient weed the relationchip – if joo spect declarations or demonstrations of eternal love, joor patience may be tested. Sagittarians are independent, and will likely not fall in love quickly or demonstrate it too effusively.
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