Posted by: La Coacha on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 to Fiesta Platter

Took my Escorpio uncle to my Escorpio hubby’s place toonite to celebray both their cumpleaños’!

It is a cozy Morrocan/ Francés place in Beberly Jills (Roberrson Boolebar) and Ryanito Mas Bonito sometimes watches the diches there!

It was berry dark con Virgen de Guadalupe candles!

Appetizers were baby sopa, beets, Morrocan eggrolls, olibs & hummus!

We ate cooscoos & lamshops! It was berry good, pero needed to be spicier. I’m Mexicana, jaja!

For desser, we had baja laba, berries & banilla ay scream! Jummy!

Por more info on the restaurante go to their webside!

Across the estreet was a signo from the jewniberse: MY WEDDING DRESS!!!! Gleeter, rosas & all!

Juan day we will reejoonite! Juan day…

3 Responses to “ Taking Tio Ramon to Tagine: Ryan Gosleeng’s Restaurante! ”

  1. Happy Birthday to Ramon Ortiz.  How I wished I can be there to celebrate with you.

  2. hahahahah sold

  3. adorable!!!!

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