When joo thought Heidi coudn’t look any filthier…La Birgo “graced” the cover of Playboy Magazine.
Heidi On The Influence Of Playboy: “When I was chopping for my boobs, I wanted the best, so I sat down and flipped through a bunch of Playboys.. I plan to get a few more upgrades…I’m sure as I get older I’ll need some touch-ups. I’m definitely not done with my surgical quest. I think I want to go bigger on my boobs for Spencer….Let’s do another Playboy photo choot again when I get the upgrades.â€
Heidi On Her Sex Life With Spencer: “I was never bery sexual before I met Spencer…Before Spencer, sex was yust something that happened. Now it’s something I look forward to every minute of the day….I feel as if I’m yust beginning to know my body with Spencer. He’s waking me up to what’s possible, and it makes me want to try every new thing, doing it all kinds of ways – indoors, outdoors, upside down.â€
Um, sorry pero I soooo need to run to the rest room guys. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Another leg-up for Christianity!