By Exiled Writer, political contributor to
2010 is coming to an end, but these three issues will be big topics for the Latino community starting in 2011.
DREAM Act: The House version of the DREAM Act passed with a vote of 216-198 in early December. However, the Senate has put a hold on the bill instead of voting on the issue, this was done as a political move by DREAM Act supporters since the Senate did not have the 60 votes needed to pass DREAM Act. DREAM Act opponents has expressed concern that the push to pass DREAM Act is purely a political ploy and trying to push the legislation through a lame duck session does not offer the necessary time to make concessions for a compromise. Despite the lack of votes, Senator Harry Reid will push for another vote in the following days.
More power to Chavez – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has asked the Venezuelan assembly to grant him emergency powers to control the nation by decree. President Chavez is gaining support from the assembly to give him additional power to control the country after the devastating floods. In addition, Hugo Chavez is seeking to censor Facebook and Twitter access in Venezuela , the president is facing more opposition in the new assembly in January 2011.
Gutierrez out of race- Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez has announced that he will not be running for Mayor of Chicago. This leaves only three possible Latino candidates, Miguel del Valle, Chicago city clerk, Rev. Wilfredo de Jesus, commissioner of Zoning Board of Appeals and Gery Chico, chief of staff to Mayor Richard Daley. The current favorite candidate (despite possible residency qualifications) is former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel. The primary is scheduled for February 22, 2011.
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