Posted by: La Coacha on Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 to Chisme

Coachita met the Colombiano/ Caribeano/ Creole comedian!

El “nerdy” rapper MADE me a bookey of colorful flores, awww =)

Hear es a BIDEO of us habbing a good time in Silberlake!!!


El Gemini also brott his 2 bodygars:

1) A singer named JUAN BLACK...

2) And his pooblicist Jose Rodriguez who also works por Latino celebrities like Roberto Rodriguez and Christian Chavez


11 Responses to “ Getting Yiggy con Yiggy Drama! ”

  1. hahahah so much fun

  2. I love it hahaha

  3. You guys have chemistry, Coacha. He’s cute.

  4. His bouquet of flowers are sooo cute. He’s funny like you girl.

  5. Some errores in the publication the name is: Jiggy Drama no Yiggy.

    The name of the other singer is Jhonblack not Juan Black

  6. bueno first of you guys r deff a match made in heaven too cute cant wait for the second date love ya <3

  7. @ A Jiggy Fan: It’s not an error in the publication. 

    Jiggy is Yiggy. John is Juan.  That’s Coacha language.

  8. LOL, you guys look like cartoons.

  9. super kute – me enkantaron los 2

  10. I ilked,=) but is “Jiggy”

  11. Juan Black?=0

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