Posted by: La Coacha on Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 to Música

britney_spears_radar-music video

Here is the plan. I need to choot a spoof to Britney’s “Radar” bideo called “Gaydar”.  

The shallenges are:

1. Chooting a bideo with no budget

2. Somehow getting horses involved?

3. Somehow chooting at a huge mansion

4. Doing all this when the actors get off work at 6…

5. The bideo has to be out by Monday the latest!

Hmm…This bideo is a true test to La Coacha’s creativity. 

I need to go get last minute props right now. 



2 Responses to “ Trying To Figure How To Produce This Bideo! ”

  1. Just make it funny please.

  2. coacha is so easy you will do it

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