Posted by: La Coacha on Friday, September 17th, 2010 to ¡Qué Cute!

la-coacha-millions of milkshakes
La-Coacha-Millions of Milkshakes
la-coacha-millions of milkshakes

Here are the top three shoices:
1). Design by Raúl Quiroz
- Ay look best in that foto, cuz ay am fotochopped. The Katy Purrdy background is cute too.
2). Design by Arturo Dominguez
The Millions of Milkchakes logo cutout, background y text is professional pero ay look too orange.
3). Design by S.Vedder
- Ay lub the icecream cones y the blue background, and the clear text.

The purrfect flier would be to get Raul’s clean foto of me and steek it on to Arturo’s background, and get the blue and juan of the icecream racks from Sofia. What joo guys teenk?

26 Responses to “ Help me shooz a flier! ”

  1. the second one is the best, just if he had photoshoped u a little it would be da bomb

  2. el first one, numero unothe vest

  3. They all great but i Like #3 Best

  4. your outfit’s a bit too washed out in the first pic so you can’t see the great detail. the font on the second one isn’t clear/bold enough. third one’s the best. you look great & the ice cream cones are awesome… except it’s called millions of milkshakes, not millions of cones, but whatev. it’s cute.

  5. Coacha eres mi hit jajaja ya hice que todos vieran el vid de gagalupe :’D como me hiciste reir eh. Bueno de estos fliers pienso exactamente como tu nadamas que usando la letra de “La Coacha” del primero :) Sigue haciendo videos asi, estan chistosos y tu me caes super xD saludos desde gdl de tu hardcore fan de 14 años jaja me da risa lo que hago aqui :P

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  7. ok coacha… i don’t like neither.. asi que por que no checas mis galerias  o
    pensaba en hacer algo como esto

    and i also saw that you used one of my PS designs for you alejandro music video… this one:


    ps: contestame a mi correo [email protected]

  8. pero el vid que sale gagalupe en alejandro eh y el de kardashian gurls

  9. Numer 1! yay!

  10. I like numero 3!! :)

  11. number two coachita, DEFFFF!!

  12. De first juan!!

  13. La tercera . 3! coacha u look better on that picture

  14. the third one

  15. The 2nd one but with a bolder font! You blend in too much on the first or I’d like that one.

  16. i like da second

  17. i updated mine take a look

  18. The second is the best. Go La Coacha, go! :))

  19. i would pick the first one
    or maybe the second one

    but the first one is the best!

  20. the 2nd one….

  21. Number 1 for sure. It is pretty, it has the Millions of Milkshakes logo, and the location information is clear. I would go with 1… and you look great even without the photoshop.

  22. 333333333333

  23. it’s really sad and annoying that you have to put el jefe perez’s video to play automatically on your blog. will definitely not be coming back to your blog again. keep your other job over at his blog not at yours. I come here to get away from him and you shove him down our throats, I am starting to hate you for it…

  24. commom Paul please dont hate La coacha.

  25. the 1st one is nice and the 3rd one
    but for a flyer i think you should choose number 3 cuz it will look much better

  26. I think the second one is pretty awesome after the changes he made… in the link above.

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